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  • October 01, 2019 6 min read 4 Comments

    Travelling with Baby on Board

    Travelling with your baby can be amazing and hassle-free only if you are geared with the right ‘equipment’. Having the right gear will make a family trip truly enjoyable when you travel with your baby, more so when it’s your first time. There are four essential products that you need when you plan to travel with an infant.

    1. Baby Car Mirror can be attached to the back of the headrest of your car front seat which revolves for a clear view. This will keep the baby distracted and occupied throughout the road trip.

    2. Car Window Sun Shade is easy to fix to your car glass to block direct sunlight from your child. It will also help to keep the car interior cooler and more comfortable.

    3. ‘Baby On Board’ Magnetic Sign is weather-proof and helps to alert others on the road of the presence of an infant in the car.

    4. Car Headrest Mount helps keep your infant entertained by attaching a tablet to the headrest in front of them.

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    There are other additional travel items that could make your journey with your baby both enjoyable and safe.

    Travel Stroller weighs over 9 kilograms (20 pounds) according to airport security rules. It must be checked in as luggage, before you board the plane. An alternative would be to pick a travel stroller that is light, inexpensive and sturdy. It will have a multi-reclining facility that goes flat for a nap while travelling. It fits in the smallest car boot.

    Travel Car Seat is crucial to strap a baby in before you take baby for a spin even if it is just round the block. Travel car seats are considerably light when compared to the more expensive brands. A good one weighs 9 pounds, inexpensive and so easy to install. It works as a rear seat for infants. All airlines will check in your car seat at the ticket counter free of charge.  

    Travel Crib or Travel Play Pen weighs only 12 pounds, and you can put it together and dismantle it in less than 10 seconds. The crib has a comfy mattress that lays flat unlike most travel cribs where the mattress easily drifts and wobbles whenever your baby stirs during the night. It comes with a stylish, lightweight case. And your child will sleep soundly through the night on every trip. You need to get the travel crib before you take off for the trip. Let your baby play and nap in it before you begin your journey. They will sleep so much better. All domestic airlines will check in your crib at the ticket counter free of charge.  

    Sleep Sack is 100% natural, made from wool. It’s machine-washed and also regulates the body temperature and is comfortable for baby at external temperatures ranging from 16 degrees to 25 degrees Celsius. It is an excellent way to keep baby cosy during a flight. Moreover you don’t have to pack too many blankets which will keep our luggage weight down.

    Packing Cubes are an absolute necessity when you want to find baby stuff in a hurry. Tee shirts and shorts can be packed in one cube, long-sleeved sweater and long pants in another, and accessories in yet another. This is the best way to stay organised.

    Diaper Changing Pad is a necessity when travelling with your baby. Get one that controls your baby’s arms to allow you to change your baby’s diaper easily especially when the diaper is seriously soiled. This is a must when you’re travelling with baby.

    Diaper Backpack allows you to keep both hands free when travelling. Get a stylish, lightweight diaper bag that’s reasonably priced. Your diaper bag comes with pockets to hold baby stuff from diapers to water bottle to your mobile phone. It should come with wipe-clean material so that if you spill milk or your baby pukes it’s super easy to clean.  

    Silicone Bibs are amazing due to their handy lip that catches everything that drips or spills while feeding your baby. They are also super easy to clean. When your baby has done eating just throw it into a wet-dry bag and rinse it in some soapy water. It dries super quickly.

    Wet-Dry Bags are a must-have too! Have one for soiled diapers, one for dirty clothes and bibs. It makes life so much easier and poop won’t get all over your dirty bibs.

    Insulated Food Jars are perfect if your baby is eating solid food but is quite picky, likes warm snacks or is not into eating restaurant food yet, and if you want your baby to eat other than pre-cooked food in jars, bring along one of these. You can use the jar to bake them something quickly or order some steamed veggies and fill them into this insulated jar that will keep them warm for a couple of hours.

    White Noise Machine is extremely useful to block out external sound disturbances. It is high-pitched static or white noise of randomised frequencies that blocks out other sounds that may interfere with your baby’s sleep. Hence it allows your baby to have hours of uninterrupted sleep.

    Sanitising Wipes are cheap and are most useful for wiping down most things – restaurant high chairs, bathroom diaper changing tables, airline trays, and even our hands while travelling. They can be slipped very easily into our diaper bag or coat pocket without making it bulky.

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    Baby Carrier that’s light, not bulky and really comfortable, that can be easily folded up and fitted under the stroller. It can also be used as a portable high chair! It makes eating out really stress-free, plus the carrier is super easy to wipe and wash.

    Snot Sucker is amazing gadget to immediately de-clog your little one’s nasal passages. It’s easy to use and effortless to clean.

    Homeopathic First Aid Kit has a collection of natural, safe and effective products that does not cause any harmful side effects. It is useful for teething problems, tummy aches or cranky spells.

    The First Aid Kit includes:

    • Camilia Teething Reliefis an all-natural drops that soothes painful gums, teething irritability and digestive distress. The single-use containers help to avert contamination.
    • Natural Gas Relief drops have no artificial flavours or dyes. They provide natural relief for all the symptoms that come along with gas like bloating, colic, constipation and restlessness.
    • Baby Calmtablets calm your baby if it’s restless and won’t sleep. They are quick-dissolving tablets that provide immediate relief.
    • Earache Relief all-natural drops will ease symptoms like fever, pain, irritability and restlessness if your baby has an earache.
    • Echinacea Drops boosts your baby’s immune system immediately each time your baby looks like he is going in for a sick spell.
    • Baby Vitamin C is another remarkable immune booster. It is good to give your baby a few drops before you begin your travel.


    Stroller Clips are perfect to secure blankets to block out the sun’s rays on to your baby placed in the stroller. Your baby can now sleep peacefully and you can push them with ease. Stroller Clips are also excellent for attaching the diaper bag, your purse, baby’s toys and other small items.

    Baby-Safe Dish Soap is a necessity to ensure that all of baby’s belongings like bottles, sippy cups, bibs and pacifiers on-the-go, stay clean even when they have to be washed in a tiny bathroom basin.

    Other accessories to make your life so much easier include:

    Stroller Protector Bag will save your stroller from getting wet or damaged as the flight crew literally throws it on and off the belly of the plane. Get a bag that’s tough and streamlined which is also helpful when moving the stroller in and out of taxis, hotels and rental cars. Get a bag with long straps that make carrying the stroller a breeze.

    Car Seat Protector Backpack saves your car from being dirty, cracked or damaged when you are travelling with your baby. It is padded and though you might look a little clumsy with it on your back, you’ll have your hands free to handle multiple children and luggage.

    Sheets For Your Travel Crib comes in a pack of two for the Travel Crib. This is useful, especially for trips that stretch over a couple of days, in case the first gets soiled and there is no place to do laundry.

    For additional baby travel gear, you could consider inflatable bathtub, baby monitor, cheap burp cloths, nursing cover-up, swim diapers, sun hat, sunglasses, baby toiletries kit, baby safe bug repellent and laundry soap.

    The important DON’T’s when travelling with your baby include a bulky stroller or car seat, cloth diapers, too many blankets, heavy baby books, too few baby clothes, full-sized bottles and too many disposable items as you’ll probably be able to get them wherever you go.

    Keep a list of these handy tips when you’re planning a family trip with your baby on board. It will help make your trip enjoyable while keeping your baby cosy and comfy too.

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    4 Responses

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    Sri fatimah

    March 09, 2020

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